Definition about the Friendship:
Friendship is the relationship between two or more persons , also, Every person is different and fresh view of the other ideas and information of friendship, some people express friendship in ways only known to the party faced in life and others reflect the ideas of the first of a sequence friendship love and cohabitation between the parties and after the completion of friendship and communication between them is completed between the parties on the two main emotional affection and cooperation convincing them ,compared to the relations that focused mostly on the subject or activity and one neutral between the third category is talking about the ability .
Advantages of friendship:
There are many advantages of friendship. First, friend helps you to make your life beautiful. For example, your best friend helps you to solve different problems. Also, friend collaborates with you when you fall in the financial crisis. Moreover , friendship as your family , so when you have a good friend, you will be not alone , when you are for from your family .And new I explain more information about advantages of friendship .
1 - Self-Disclosure builds friendships:
Self-disclosure is the first step to make confidant between friends. This step starts by giving out a few personal feelings with friends. If the person is open, he/she will usually share a personal thought with you.
2- Listening builds friendships:
In this step you should listen and tray to understand other’s feeling and how they thinking in order to avoid conflict with your friends. For example, repeats back and don't problem solve.
3- Loyalty, Equality, and Respect build friendship.
You should be equal with all your friends. Friends are faithful and honorable. For example, no one can confide in someone they cannot trust to be loyal.
4- Listening and attending builds friendships.
To keep your relationship with your friend you should pay attention that mean your ears, your eyes, your body and your feelings are all focused on that person at one time. Attending is a very important element of any relationship. For example, focusing and eye contact. Best friends encourage their friends to make different lifestyles. Also, Good friends encourage their friends to help and provide different services, when needed. Moreover, Good friend encourage their friend’s to learn different skills and abilities in dealing with illness and other health problems.
There are different types of friendships:
There are types of friendship is friendship benefit and friendship of pleasure and friendship of virtue and shows that the benefit Friendship is occasional interrupted interruption of interest ,but Friendship pleasure Vented and dissolves easily after satisfying pleasure or change their nature , and the friendship of virtue is the best friendship and is based on the similarity of virtue is the most survival. And also acquaintance, this type of a friend, you enjoy eating lunch or having coffee, but would not look to for emotional support. Best friend: A person who shares strong interpersonal ties with his or her friends. Family friend, this type includes the relationship between the family members.
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